
Vitamin Infusion

Jul 06, 2021

Nettle, Lemongrass, Oat Tops, and Mint

Cold infusions are a great way of staying hydrated with the added nutritive benefits of the herbs used. Also, it’s ready for you as soon as you wake up in the morning! This blend is rich with vitamins A, C, K, E, B, and antioxidants. 

I combine the dry herbs in a large jar in advance to use over a couple months. Then they are already blended, and ready to scoop out. Make sure your herbs are dried and crushed in advance.

Use 2 parts of nettle, 2 parts of oat tops, 1 part lemongrass, and ½ part mint. Mix and prepare tea.

Pour warm water (not hot) over tea. For each cup of water you are using add one tbsp of the tea mix. I like to use a mason jar for this. Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight. Strain, add ice (optional), and sip throughout the next day.


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