
Savory Hand Pies

Jul 09, 2021

These hand pies are inspired by Middle Eastern Fatayers or Fitiirs, but with a flakier buttery crust, and filling straight from the garden. Experiment with different greens and herbs, if you like. The musard greens give these pies a slightly spicy and tangy finish, but the recipe works well with turnip greens, rapini, kale, or spinach.


  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour,  plus extra for rolling
  • 1 cup (8 ounces) grassfed butter, very cold, cut into 1/4 inch cubes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 egg
  • ice water


  • Mustard Greens
  • Fresh Herbs: Parsley, Mint, Dill, 
  • Thinly sliced scallions
  • Juice of ½ Lemon
  • ½ cup Plain Goat Yogurt or Labneh
  • 8 oz Cheese (Feta, Cheddar, or anything crumbly)
  • Feta cheese for topping


Mix dough by combining dry ingredients first. Cut in the butter by adding small chunks, then breaking apart by hand or by using a fork. The butter should be pea sized. Add beaten egg, then keep adding ice water slowly until dough forms a ball. Wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Make herb filling by chopping herbs and mustard greens in a food processor. Pulse just until fully chopped. (Adding an ice cube or two into the processor can help prevent against turning the greens into a paste.) combine with remaining ingredients, except for the feta to use for topping.

Preheat oven to 385 degrees. Roll dough into a thin,  even slab. Use a 5” or 6” found round to cut circles from your slab. Remaining dough can be rolled out ONE more time and more circles can be made. Remaining dough after the second roll can be discarded.

Place dough circles on parchmented baking sheets, and brush with an egg wash. Scoop 2 Tablespoons or so of filling into the center of the circle in a rough triangle shape. Sprinkle feta on top of filling. Fold in three sides over the filling, pressing down the corners of your triangle shaped hand pies. Apply egg wash to outside and bake for 11 minutes. Rotate baking trays, and bake for another 8-10 minutes or until crust is golden brown.

Can be served warm, room temperature, cold, or reheated.

Käsi members will be aided in developing meaningful practices that can facilitate living with intention, care, beauty, spirituality, and a deeper relationship to community and place. Member content features accessible information and instruction on projects for adults and children, spotlights on what is growing, wellness practices for the season with food and herbal recipes, home activities, and more.

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