
Raw Milk in the Garden

biodynamic gardening local Oct 18, 2021

Using raw milk for your plants is a very simple, traditional preparation for the garden with a powerful impact. I am surprised that it is not more common, but the milk must be raw to work well, so perhaps that's why the practice was lost. This raw milk application feeds the microbes in the soil and compost pile with amino acids, enzymes, and sugars making those beneficial communities stronger. Additionally, this is one of the most effective and low cost solutions to fungus issues and pests. There was a study comparing milk treatments and commercial chemical fungicides and the raw milk out performed every other option for treating fungus imbalances. In addition to helping control fungus and insect infestations, it is a wonderful fertilizer resulting in healthier plants all around. As I am cleaning up my beds I have been spraying them with a raw milk solution of 50% (you can use anywhere from 20-100%). I came to a patch of catnip that was completely covered in powdery mildew. This is typical this time of year. I sprayed it as I passed by but didn’t expect much after one treatment. I was shocked when I went out only a day or two after and it was vibrant and healthy looking! I am so grateful for all of these simple traditional methods of treating the garden with things that are so easily available. We don’t need to spend a lot of money on our gardens to make them healthy and productive if we look to the traditions of the past.

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