
Medicinal Chai

Nov 08, 2021

This warming tea is an all year staple for me, since I am always in need of extra warmth. It is also delicious over ice as a refresher on these last few balmy days when we work hard to clean up the yard and garden The hot version is extra comforting. This chai is full of mushrooms, roots, and spices that can help to strengthen the immune system, stimulate digestive fires, and offer support to the liver. 

2-3 inch piece of Fresh Ginger sliced 

2 Cinnamon Sticks

1 TBSP Cracked Cardamom pods

2 tsp Dried Chaga

1 Slice Dried Reishi

1 TBSP Dandelion Root

1 TBSP Coriander

1 TBSP Black Peppercorns

A pinch of Clove

3 Astragalus Slices

3 Star Anise Pods

Simmer on low in a large pot with 10 cups of water, keeping the cover on for 3-5 hours. You can check it after the first hour and top off the water. 

Strain and store the base in the fridge.

To prepare- simmer a cup of the chai base until hot. As an option, you can add a black or tulsi teabag to the base. Add a splash of milk, 1 tsp ghee (optional), and sweeten with maple syrup, honey, or chyawanprash. You can blend together at the end to make it extra frothy. 

Sprinkle topping- In a spice mill add blend together the following spices. Used to sprinkle on chai or over galettes, on steamed apples, etc.

¼ C Cinnamon

2 TBSP Cardamom

2 Tbsp Nutmeg

1 TBSP Clove

2 TBSP Allspice

2 TBSP Ginger

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