
How to Soak Grains for Optimal Nutrition and Improved Digestion

digestion grains health nutrition recipe sourdough Apr 25, 2022

Most traditional cultures that consume grains soak or ferment before using. This helps to make them easier to digest and allows the minerals to be absorbed. In addition, soaking the fermenting process releases compounds that support blood sugar regulation, metabolic, and hormone health. It is much easier to soak whole grains so to get the same benefits from milled flours the best method is to ferment the dough with a sourdough starter. 

Rinse the grain first. Then, place them in a bowl and cover with warm water and stir in 1 TBSP of acidic medium such as ACV. Cover and let soak for 7-12 hours. 

Even with soaking the grains cook with normal grain to water ratio and time, but can be slightly less on both. I usually remove from heat a few minutes less and let finish with a steam with lid on. 

Other acidic mediums that can be used:


Sourdough Starter




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