
Candle Making

bees beeswax candle handwork local Jan 07, 2022

Our friend Sandi shared this candle pouring method using discarded paper tubes for molds. We got the most delicious smelling beeswax made by her neighbor bees to use and they turned out beautifully and are very easy to make. 

You will need

Parchment or wax paper

Masking tape

Candle wicks

Tooth picks

Paper tube (toothpaste box, tube from toilet paper rolls, etc)



Double Boiler (or make something equivalent)

Oil (spray oil makes it easy)

Baking tray 


First, you will cut a piece of the parchment (or wax paper) big enough to cover one side of the tube. Then, fold it around the tube making it stretch across the bottom as tightly as you can. Tape it all the way around very well, but don’t tape the bottom yet. Then, take a toothpick and poke a small hole in the center of the paper. Feed the wick through so there is a small extra at the bottom where the paper is and a larger extra at the top to tie around the toothpick. At the bottom fold the wick across the paper and tape into place. Then tape all over the bottom very well. At the top tie the wick to the toothpick and position it in the center. Spray the tube with oil (if you have spray; otherwise, you will need to wipe the inside with spray before pulling the wick through). Continue this process with all of the tubes you are working with. Place them in a tray and surround them with sand. You might place paper under to protect the surface you are working on. Once your wax has heated in the double boiler, pour it into the molds. Let cool for 24 hours and unwrap the tape and paper.


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