
A Good Night's Sleep

health recipe sleep Feb 08, 2022

We know that seven to nine hours of sleep is important for physical, mental, and emotional health, and that creating good sleep habits is one of the best things we can do for our body and spirit, but for some it takes a little more effort to achieve their sleep goals. WInter is a great time to put that extra effort into healing sleep patterns if needed. I’d like to share some of my general tips for supporting sleep in hopes of helping you in your sleep practice and cycles. 

Light and Sleep 

Keep the lightning in your home as natural as possible. Keeping lights off during daylight hours, even on overcast days, and utilizing candles or warm soft light before and after the sun is up is one of the most helpful things you can do. In addition, it is important to make time to be outside in the daylight everyday. This helps to create a healthy circadian rhythm in the body. Sunrise and sunsets are especially good times to be out. When working with screens I use bluelight blocking glasses. In addition, I try to avoid LED light bulbs in the home. Warm incandescent light bulbs used sparingly are much healthier as they are less disruptive to hormones. When sleeping, keep the room as dark as possible. 

Food and Sleep

A healthy balanced diet of whole foods and good hydration throughout the day is very helpful in creating healthy sleep. Giving yourself most of your foods and beverages earlier in the day is best because the digestion process can interfere with deep sleep, and a full bladder can wake you up. I am not recommending a fasting schedule, but more easily digested foods later in the day. 

Stress and Sleep

I recommend creating a peaceful environment where you will sleep by keeping the space clutter free, as dark as possible at bedtime, and sleeping with natural fibers (this is very helpful because natural fibers allow the body to more easily adjust temperature). In addition, I believe a meditation practice during the day will contribute to better sleep at night. The more you can do to keep stress levels low during the day the easier the transition will be into sleep at night. I find that the more present I am throughout the day results in less “night worries”. Getting outside, meditating, and herbal nervines taken during day time hours  (like tulsi tea) are helpful for staying grounded and minimizing anxiety.

Routines for Sleep

For many years I fought insomnia and have had to work hard to train myself to sleep through the night. My routine might be more than what you need depending on your constitution, but if you are struggling with sleep, hopefully some of these small ideas can make a big shift for you. At our house we try to shut down wifi and phones at dinner time. 

Then, we clean up and have an after dinner tea (I like anise seed, cardamom, cumin, fennel, ginger, and coriander) or milky evening tonic (golden milk with ashwagandha, or warm milk with chyawanprash, cinnamon, and cardamom ). A simple chamomile or catnip tea is nice too. 

We might go on a short walk, but I try to keep the after dinner activity very gentle. I find that too much movement can energize my mind and body this late in the day. The hours before midnight are most rejuvenative so an early start is ideal for optimum regeneration.  I prepare for sleep along with my daughters. These couple hours are very gentle and all about cultivating a place of relaxation and peace of mind. I will often take a magnesium bath or spend a long time washing and massaging my face and feet. Then, I like to read with my daughters and read on my own before lights out. We have redlight clip lamps for reading so that the light doesn’t push us to keep reading longer than our bodies are telling us. 

Creating a consistent schedule and cultivating nourishing practices towards good sleep can be wonderful. Improving sleep is one of the best things you can do to be more resilient in your body and mind. Wishing you all sweet dreams and restful sleep!

Recipe for and Evening Foot Massage Oil

An evening foot massage helps to ground your nervous system and prepare the body for deep sleep. Acupressure points in the foot connect to all areas of the body so you can tend to the whole at the end of the day in a very simple and easy way. The plants used in this oil enhance the massage practice by helping to dispel muscle tension, support circulation, promote relaxation, and calm the mind. Many of the plants have traditionally been used to aid in the dream realms and offer protection to the spirit. 



Marshmallow Root 9g

Ashwagandha Root 9g

California Poppy 4g

Mugwort 4g

Alcohol .5oz

Jojoba Oil 8oz


Day One

If herbs are not crushed, grind them first in a coffee grinder or spice mill. Measure into a clean glass jar and add the alcohol. Shake well and store in a cool dark place for 24 hours. 

Day Two

Blend with the oil for five minutes then strain.


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