
Nourishing Broth

cooking medicinal recipe Nov 13, 2021

This is the herbal broth we use to infuse our meals with extra vitamins, minerals, and to keep the immune system strong. It’s a vegetarian variation of a bone broth, but this recipe can also be used to boost your bone broth as well. This time of year we usually use this up over a couple days so will make it a couple times within the week. You can also make bigger batches less often and freeze some. 


Mushrooms- Maitake, Shiitake ¼ cup each, and a slice of Reishi (or any favorites)

½ cup of dried Nettle 

Astragalus Root - 3 slices

Bull Kelp- 1 strip 

1 Onion

3 cloves of Garlic

½ inch of ginger Root

1 TBSP Black Pepper

Simmer the above ingredients in 10 cups of water on low for about 3 hours. Continue to add in more liquid as needed. Then, add in the following ingredients and simmer on low for another half hour. 

Veggie scraps (I save these in a container in the freezer throughout the week)

Garden Herbs i.e. oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, bay leaf (pinch of a few)

A handful of Calendula

Then, remove from heat. Strain, and add two TBSP ACV

Store in the fridge and use throughout the week in soups, stews, to stem with, cook rice or beans in, add to sauces, etc.

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