
Harvest Salad

Sep 10, 2021

Our daughters made this salad the other day and it was delicious! Check out the process on the Kasi Farm Instagram reel for some inspiration to get going. This salad comes together pretty quickly considering that there is roasting involved. It feels very substantial and satisfying, yet fresh- a perfect balance for this time of year. It is a nice way to use up the last of those tomatoes hanging on in the garden, but would be still delightful with the tomatoes omitted. 


2 Ears of Corn (steamed and cut off of the cob)

Handful of Cherry Tomatoes

½ loaf of bread

Handful of Mint Chopped

Handful of Parsley Chopped

Handful of Mustard Greens Chopped

1 Small-Medium Winter Squash Chopped

1 Red Onion Diced

2 TBSP Butter

Avocado Oil (or oil preference to coat squash)

Pinch of Salt and Pepper 


1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Cloves of Garlic (raw or roasted)

½ tsp Salt

Pinch of Crushed Red Pepper

3 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Blend all together and dress salad once other parts are prepared. 

First, preheat the oven to 450. Then, steam the corn for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and cut off the cob. Cut the winter squash into one inch cubes. Drizzle with oil and salt and pepper. Toss until well coated. Roast at 450 for about 15 minutes. While the squash is roasting, cut the bread into croutons sized pieces of your liking and add to a baking dish with the one tablespoon of butter cut into small pieces and scattered around the dish. Remove squash from the oven when ready and let cool while bread toasts. Reduce oven heat to 400 and bake croutons for 5 to 10 minutes until golden. Chop all herbs and mustard greens and add to the salad bowl with the tomatoes, corn, and onion. Add squash and croutons and toss with dressing. Enjoy!

Käsi members will be aided in developing meaningful practices that can facilitate living with intention, care, beauty, spirituality, and a deeper relationship to community and place. Member content features accessible information and instruction on projects for adults and children, spotlights on what is growing, wellness practices for the season with food and herbal recipes, home activities, and more.

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