
Calendula Profile

Jul 12, 2021

Calendula is such a treasure! It can be a vulnerary, lymphagogue, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic, analgesic, diaphoretic, cholagogue, hemostatic, and emmenagogue. Not only is calendula a versatile plant in the home apothecary, but it is also a beneficial companion plant in the garden. It is easy to grow from seed and attracts helpful insects such as robber flies, hover flies, and predatory wasps.

The flower petals can be used in salads and other foods to give brightness, beauty, and medicinal touch. For the immense support to the immune system our main way to use them in the kitchen is to dry them and use them throughout the year in our broths. My other favorite application for this sunny flower is to extract it in oil and use it in skincare formulas as it is helpful for nearly every skin complaint. This flower is warming and drying so use it in combination with others that will help balance those qualities if need be. Find recipes for how to use Calendula within our CSA.


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